I Lost Stubborn Weight After Many Years – Success Story

Happy girl dancing in grass field under sunset - weight loss story

Hi, my lovely readers. I hope you are all as awesome as you all are in my imagination ( even much more). Today I am sharing a success story by Eliza Ruth who used mind power and the power of her thoughts to become comfortable in her own body and be proud of who she is – a journey of weight loss and finding her true self.

I was uncomfortable in my own body for so long – I was short and fat. It’s the kind of combination that doesn’t go well at all. While all my friends were tall and skinny, here I was looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I stopped going out with them because I felt being the odd one out.

I stopped eating, went on long walks and resorted to unhealthy approaches in the struggle for weight loss. But nothing was working. To make things worse, my body was rebelling against all my efforts – the more I tried to lose weight, the more I was gaining it.

Depression soon took over me and I stumbled down the rabbit hole. I locked myself in the room for days because I didn’t want to dress well or go out. My friends are great and supported me through all my ups and downs. This isn’t one of those sad sob stories every one abandons a girl because of the way she looks. My friends and family were always positive and supportive. The problem was just ME.

I decided to do meditation to come out of my depression and I am glad I came to that decision because searching for the best way to meditate led me to affirmations and affirmations led me to power of thoughts.

It was a moment of clarity for me. I knew exactly where I was wrong all these years and I knew exactly what I had to do – self healing.

The first step in self healing was breaking free from the confinement I had put myself in for all these years. Every day, I looked in the mirror and I said, “I am happy, I am perfect, I am amazing.” I started wearing clothes that I had put away assuming they were not for my body, eating food that I loved without feeling guilty, going out and enjoying the moment without wondering what others will think. I was living by the rule of simply being happy – no judgment, no guilt and absolutely no negative thoughts.

My life changed drastically within a few months. I noticed I was losing weight and that made me even more happy, positive and made me believe in the power of my thoughts. I still remember, wearing my favorite pair of jeans that wouldn’t fit me anymore and being the happiest after a long time.

Am I skinny? NO!

I am not skinny because that desire has been put away far behind in my journey towards acceptance, happiness and contentment. But I did lose weight to the point that now I feel perfect and beautiful. I am comfortable in my body. I love what I see in the mirror.

You would think okay this is just a weight loss story from a sad materialistic girl, but it’s more than that. Being the happiest in my heart has made my life so much brighter. Keeping clear and positive thoughts has made me a better person. Everything around me is simply perfect and I wish this happiness for everyone.

Thank you so much Eliza Ruth, for sharing your weight loss story and your journey towards happiness. I am truly so happy that you achieved more than just your goals through the power of your mind, that you are now living a life that makes you smile. Your story will transform many other lives towards a better living. Once again thank you.

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