Exploring the Science of Thoughts: Are Thoughts Energy?

Astral Image Woman sitting on stairs

As per Professor Simon Laughlin from Cambridge University, the brain requires a significant amount of energy to function properly. In fact, it devours around 20% of the body’s energy, which is roughly 350 to 450 calories per day for women and men. 

Have you ever wondered if thoughts have the power to influence reality? Are thoughts energy? Can the energy of our thoughts shape the world around us? It turns out that the answer to these questions is a resounding yes!  

By mastering your thoughts and focusing on positive and productive thinking, you can attract positive experiences and opportunities into your life. This requires discipline and practice, but the rewards can be immense. 

In this article, we will explore the science behind thoughts energy and how we can use the power of our thoughts to create the reality we desire.

What Are Thoughts Scientifically? 

In 1984, the World Chess Championship was called off abruptly due to the drastic physical effects of the game on players’ bodies. Anatoly Karpov, an elite Russian player, lost 22 lbs. over five months of competition. Elite players can reportedly burn up to 6,000 calories in one day, all while focusing their thoughts and mental energy on the game. 

Thoughts are messages that are sent between the different cells in our brains called neurons. Think of neurons as tiny messengers that are constantly talking to each other through tiny gaps called synapses. When a neuron receives a message, it releases chemicals called neurotransmitters that jump across the synapse to the next neuron and pass the message along. 

While this is happening, our brains also produce electromagnetic waves that can be measured using a special machine called an EEG (an electroencephalogram). These waves are created by groups of neurons working together to send messages. Different types of thoughts and emotions create different patterns of brain activity, which scientists can study and learn from. 

So, the next time you have a thought, remember that it’s not just a passing idea in your head. It’s a real, physical process happening in your brain. 

Do Thoughts Have a Frequency? 

Have you ever heard the saying “you get what you give”? Well, this is true for our thoughts too! 

Our thoughts have a frequency, which is a measure of how fast the energy of the thought is vibrating. When we have positive thoughts, our frequency is higher and we feel happier and more positive. On the other hand, when we have negative thoughts, our frequency is lower and we feel more down and negative. 

The frequency of our thoughts also affects the experiences we attract into our lives. Positive thoughts attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract negative experiences. This is because our thoughts create an energy field around us that interacts with the energy field of the universe. 

So, if you want to have more positive experiences in your life, it’s important to focus on having positive thoughts and keeping your frequency high. 

Proof That Thoughts are Energy by Japanese Scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto 

While the concept of thought as energy may seem abstract, there is concrete evidence to support this idea. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, conducted a series of experiments that demonstrated the power of our thoughts.  

In his experiments, Dr. Emoto exposed water to different thoughts and emotions, then froze the water and examined it under a microscope. He found that water exposed to positive thoughts and emotions, such as love and gratitude, formed beautiful and intricate crystal structures. In contrast, water exposed to negative thoughts and emotions formed distorted and chaotic structures. 

“Thoughts Are Energy” – Einstein Explains the Science Behind Thoughts Energy 

According to Albert Einstein, everything in the universe is made up of energy, including emotions, thoughts, and the physical objects we see around us. 

Imagine your smartphone as a radio tower, sending and receiving signals. You can physically see and touch your phone, but you can’t see the signals that it transmits. Yet, you can access information, communicate with others, and access a wide range of resources. 

Just like a radio tower, your thoughts also transmit energy signals. Your thoughts are connected to the universal energy web, allowing them to influence your reality and the world around you. 

Your thoughts aren’t limited to a specific location, and they can influence the energy fields of other objects and living beings around you. This means that your thoughts can have a significant impact on the world and can even manifest your desires into reality. 

Power of Thought Science 

The power of thought science, also known as the law of attraction, suggests that the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our minds can actually shape our reality. 

If you’re constantly thinking about how much you want to achieve your goals and believe that you have what it takes to succeed, you’ll be more likely to attract opportunities that help you get there. On the other hand, if you’re constantly focusing on negative thoughts and doubts about your abilities, you’ll attract obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals. 

This doesn’t mean that simply thinking positive thoughts will magically make everything fall into place. But by keeping a positive mindset and focusing your thoughts on what you want to achieve, you can create a more positive and optimistic outlook on life. Try to shift your focus to positive ones and see how it can change your perspective and ultimately, your reality! 

Nebula abstract

Law of Thought Transmission 

The law of thought transmission is based on the idea that our thoughts have the power to influence the thoughts and emotions of others. Our thoughts are not limited to our own minds, but they also travel through the energy field that surrounds our bodies. This energy field can be affected by the thoughts and emotions of people around us. 

For instance, if we meet someone who is happy and positive, their energy field can affect our own energy field, making us feel happier and more positive too. Similarly, if we interact with someone who is angry or sad, their energy field can also affect our own energy field, making us feel more negative. 

This means that our thoughts and emotions can have a ripple effect on those around us, whether we realize it or not. So, it’s important to be mindful of our thoughts and emotions and to try to cultivate positive ones, as they can have a positive impact on the people we interact with. 

How to Use the Power of Thoughts to Influence Reality 

The question becomes, how can we use this knowledge to our advantage? Here are some tips on how to use the power of thoughts to influence reality: 

  • Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want: Instead of thinking “I don’t want to be in debt,” focus on “I want to be financially stable and debt-free.” 
  • Visualize your desired outcome to create a mental image of what you want to achieve: If you want to buy a new car, visualize yourself driving the car of your dreams, feeling the leather seats, and hearing the engine roar.
  • Use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs like “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I am capable of achieving my goals” to yourself daily.
  • Practice gratitude to attract more positive experiences into your life: Think about three things every morning, such as having a supportive family, good health, or a fulfilling job.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who support and uplift you: Spend time with people who uplift you and support your goals, instead of people who constantly complain or bring you down. 

Remember, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, so it’s important to focus on what we want, visualize our desired outcome, use affirmations, practice gratitude, and surround ourselves with positive people. The power to create the life we want is within us, so let’s use the power of our thoughts to manifest our dreams and live our best lives. 

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